Oct 27, 2021
From 10 AM to 12:30 PM

Remaining places : unlimited

L'ISEQ, INTRIQ, COPL, Québec Quantique, Optonique et NUMANA  invite you on Wednesday, October 27 from 10:00 a.m. to the 6th webinar of the Perspective Quantum series to learn about the key players in quantum funding.

The goal of this webinar is to educate the electronics and photonics community about available funding sources. From financial aid intended for academia, through the RSRIs that are PROMPT and PRIMA Quebec, the webinar will allow you to discover or better understand the Call for innovation projects in quantum technologies: industrial research in collaboration and support to the entrepreneurship of the MEI. This will be completed by the presentation of Mitacs programs, the $ 200M investment fund from the Business Development Bank of Canada and Emergex. The latter will inform you about university research contracts in the context of SR&ED tax credit claims.


L'ISEQ, INTRIQ, COPL, Québec Quantique, Optonique et NUMANA  invite you on Wednesday, October 27 from 10:00 a.m. to the 6th webinar of the Perspective Quantum series to learn about the key players in quantum funding.

The goal of this webinar is to educate the electronics and photonics community about available funding sources. From financial aid intended for academia, through the RSRIs that are PROMPT and PRIMA Quebec, the webinar will allow you to discover or better understand the Call for innovation projects in quantum technologies: industrial research in collaboration and support to the entrepreneurship of the MEI. This will be completed by the presentation of Mitacs programs, the $ 200M investment fund from the Business Development Bank of Canada and Emergex. The latter will inform you about university research contracts in the context of SR&ED tax credit claims.
 Schedule :
10 h 00 – Networking
10:30 a.m. – Opening remarks by Nicolas Godbout, Professor at Polytechnique Montreal and Director of INTRIQ
10:35 a.m. - Portrait of funding sources for university research by Holly Gurbacki, research office at Polytechnique Montréal
10:45 a.m. - RSRI PROMPT and PRIMA Quebec, and MEI programs by Jinny Plourde, Program Director, PSO and Quantum at PROMPT
10:55 a.m. - Mitacs programs by Marc-Antoine Bédard, Director of Business Development at Mitacs
11:05 a.m. - Deeptech fund and BDC's studies on quantum technology markets conducted by Charles Lespérance, Investor in BDC's Deeptech fund
11:15 a.m. - SR&ED tax credits for university research contracts by Pierre Savignac d´Emergex
11:25 am - Closing remarks

11 h 30-12 h – Networking

12 h – The End